Bridgeport, Connecticut

Fayerweather Island Lighthouse, also known as Black Rock Harbor Light, is a historic tower in Bridgeport, Connecticut. It has marked the harbor since 1808.

Location Added By:

@pmaloneyphoto (Instagram)

About This Location

Fayerweather Island Lighthouse, also known as Black Rock Harbor Light, is a historic tower in Bridgeport, Connecticut. It has marked the harbor since 1808.

Location Features

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Bridgeport, Connecticut

GPS Coordinates:
41.142417, -73.217417
Directions to location:
Click here for location directions
Directions to parking area:
Click here for parking directions
Parking Notes:
There is a large parking area at the end of Barnum Drive which is about a half-mile from the lighthouse. This is the closest parking area to the lighthouse. The lot is also used for Seaside Beach visitors. Parking is free in the off-season, but in the summer prices are high. On weekdays it costs $50 and on weekends it costs $60 – for non-residents of Bridgeport. If you don’t mind seeing the lighthouse from a distance, you can park along Eames Boulevard for free and look at it across the channel.


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