Bethlehem, New Hampshire

Prospect Street Bridge in the charming town of Bethlehem is more than just a river crossing; it's a symbol of both the town's history and its enduring beauty.

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@ramnanigans (Instagram)

About This Location

Nestled in the charming town of Bethlehem, New Hampshire, the Prospect Street Bridge is more than just a river crossing; it's a symbol of both the town's history and its enduring beauty. This steel bridge, with its graceful design and scenic surroundings, has been a fixture in Bethlehem for nearly a century.

Constructed in 1928 by the renowned American Bridge Company, the Prospect Street Bridge serves as a vital link across the picturesque Ammonoosuc River. It was meticulously crafted in a Warren through truss design, showcasing the engineering prowess of its time. The bridge stands as a testament to the craftsmanship and innovation that characterized early 20th-century bridge construction.

Measuring approximately 110 feet in length and 10 feet in width, the Prospect Street Bridge provides a single lane for traffic. Its steel structure, rendered in a classic yet functional style, seamlessly blends with the natural beauty of its surroundings. As you traverse this bridge, you are greeted with a sense of nostalgia, as if stepping back in time to an era when craftsmanship was paramount.

One of the unique aspects of the Prospect Street Bridge is the opportunity it affords for delightful views. A leisurely stroll along the banks of the Ammonoosuc River reveals the bridge in all its glory. The steel trusses arching gracefully over the tranquil waters provide an idyllic scene for photographers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Bethlehem's Prospect Street Bridge is a year-round attraction, but it particularly shines during the fall season. As the leaves change color, the bridge becomes a centerpiece of the region's vibrant autumn landscape. The contrast of the bridge's steel structure against the fiery foliage creates a stunning tableau, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking the quintessential New England fall experience.

Beyond its functional role as a river crossing, the Prospect Street Bridge is a cherished landmark that bridges the past with the present. It invites you to appreciate both the artistry of its construction and the natural beauty that surrounds it. For residents and visitors alike, this bridge remains an enduring symbol of Bethlehem's rich heritage and its ongoing connection to the breathtaking landscapes of New Hampshire's North Country.

Location Features

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Prospect Street, Bethlehem, New Hampshire

GPS Coordinates:
44.313258, -71.670061
Directions to location:
Click here for location directions
Directions to parking area:
Click here for parking directions
Parking Notes:
It is best to pull over right next to the bridge on the side of Wing Road. There is no official parking for viewing the bridge.


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