East Hampton, Connecticut

Shipyard Falls is a stunning roadside waterfall located in East Hampton, Connecticut. The 20 foot waterfall is on private property, but viewable form the road.

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About This Location

Shipyard Falls is a stunning roadside waterfall located in East Hampton, Connecticut. The waterfall has a total height of 20 feet and it can be found along Mine Brook. Mine Brook flows strongest during spring when the snow melts and after heavy rainstorms. Although it is best to explore the waterfall in the spring, Shipyard Falls is a beautfiul waterfall to see year-round. The waterfall itself drops in a unique formation consisting of a dam followed by a plunge. There is also a bridge over the falls.

Viewing the waterfall is super easy considering it is located right along the road. Sadly, the waterfall is surrounded by private property, so the views of the falls are limited to the street.

Location Features

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East Hampton, Connecticut

GPS Coordinates:
41.552500, -72.552528
Directions to location:
Click here for location directions
Directions to parking area:
Click here for parking directions
Parking Notes:
No dedicated parking is available for the waterfall considering it is surrounded by private property. It can only be viewed from the road. If you do want to park nearby and walk to the waterfall viewpoint, consider parking at the Middle Haddam Public Library along Knowles Road.


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