Sunderland, Massachusetts

Slatestone Brook Falls is a beautiful roadside waterfall located in Sunderland, Massachusetts. The waterfall drops about 40 feet along Slatestone Brook.

Location Added By:

Tom Riley (GoXplr Account)

About This Location

Slatestone Brook Falls is a beautiful waterfall located in Sunderland, Massachusetts. The waterfall has a total height of 40 feet and it can be found along Slatestone Brook. Slatestone Brook flows strongest during spring when the snow melts and after heavy rainstorms. Although it is best to explore the waterfall in the spring, Slatestone Brook Falls is a great spot to visit year-round. The waterfall itself drops in a unique formation consisting of a lovely fan.

Viewing the waterfall is super easy considering it can be seen clearly from Falls Road. The waterfall is on private property so visitors must view it just from the road. This is truly one of the best roadside waterfalls in the state.

Location Features

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Falls Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts

GPS Coordinates:
42.505667, -72.555694
Directions to location:
Click here for location directions
Directions to parking area:
Click here for parking directions
Parking Notes:
There is no parking available for the waterfall since it is on private property. Please admire the falls from the roadside.


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