Colebrook, Connecticut

Colebrook Falls is a small roadside waterfall located in Colebrook, Connecticut. The waterfall drops about 10 feet via a series of cascades along Center Brook.

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About This Location

Colebrook Falls is a small roadside waterfall located in Colebrook, Connecticut. The waterfall has a total height of about 10 feet and it can be found along Center Brook. The brook flows strongest during spring when the snow melts and after heavy rainstorms. Although it is best to explore the waterfall in the spring, Colebrook Falls can be fun to see year-round. The waterfall itself drops in a series of cascades.

The waterfall can be seen from the side of the road. There is no dedicated parking area for the waterfall and no trail either. If you are looking to get a closer look, you will have to pull over and carefully slide down the steep terrain. Ultimately, this waterfall is not great.

Location Features

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Colebrook Road, Colebrook, Connecticut

GPS Coordinates:
41.991861, -73.097611
Directions to location:
Click here for location directions
Directions to parking area:
Click here for parking directions
Parking Notes:
There is no dedicated parking area for the waterfall. It is best to park at Center Cemetery which is just a few steps from the falls. Please be respectful if you are using the cemetery for parking.


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