Quechee, Vermont

The Quechee Gorge Bridge is a beautiful and historic bridge in Quechee, Vermont. This iconic bridge is situated over 150 feet above the gorge.

Location Added By:

@ktr101 (Instagram)

About This Location

The Quechee Gorge Bridge is a beautiful and historic bridge in Quechee, Vermont. This iconic bridge is situated over 150 feet above the gorge.

Location Features

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Woodstock Road (US-4), Quechee, Vermont

GPS Coordinates:
43.637389, -72.408472
Directions to location:
Click here for location directions
Directions to parking area:
Click here for parking directions
Parking Notes:
There are several different parking areas which can be used by visitors of the bridge. One of the main parking areas for the bridge located at the western entrance to the bridge. Here, there are dozens of parking spots on either side of the road. Additional parking can be found close to the eastern entrance to the bridge at the Quechee Gorge Visitors Center. Parking is free.


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